
H.E. Mr. Vahagn AFYAN

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to the Republic of India


Academic Background:

Graduated from the Department of Persian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Literature and Humanitarian Science of Tehran University. (2001 - 2004)

Completed five-year course of the Chair of Iranian Studies at the Faculty of Oriental studies of Yerevan State University. (1994 - 1999)

Work Activities

Since 2023 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to the Republic of India (New Delhi)

2021-2023 Head of the Bordering Countries Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia

2018-2021 First Secretary, then Counselor of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in the Republic of Poland (frequently performed the duties of Charg� d'Affaires and Charg� d'Affaires ad interim)

2015-2018 Advisor to the External Relations Department of the Office of the President of the Republic of Armenia

2011-2015 Second, then First Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Georgia (frequently performed the duties of Charg� d'Affaires and Charg� d'Affaires ad interim)

2009-2011 Third Secretary of the Iran Division of the Middle East Countries Department, then Second Secretary of the Iran Division of Bordering Countries Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia

2006-2009 Third Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in the Islamic Republic of Iran

2004-2006 Assistant, then Attach� and Third Secretary of the Iran Division of the Middle East Countries Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia.

Personal Details

Diplomatic Rank: Diplomatic rank of Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary

Languages: Fluent in English, Russian, Persian

Family Status: Married, with son and daughter