Historical Background
According to literary
evidence, there existed Indian settlements
in Armenia as early as 149 BC. Thomas
Cana is said to be the first Armenian
to have landed on the Malabar cost in
780 AD. Long before the Dutch and the
English appeared in India, a few Armenian
traders had come to Agra during the Mughal
Empire. Emperor Akbar, highly appreciative
of the commercial talents and integrity
of the Armenians, granted them numerous
privileges and considerable religious
freedom as also an opportunity to serve
in his empire in various capacities. By
the Middle Ages, the Armenian towns of
Artashat, Metsbin and Dvin had become
important centres for barter trade with
India which exported precious stones,
herbs and textiles to Armenia, and obtained
hides and dyes in return. The Armenian
colony in India increased in size, wealth
and importance throughout the 17th century.
They also entered Indian trade in varying
relationships to the East India Company.
The Armenians made some contributions
in the areas of artisanship including
gun-making and printing. The high level
of education among the Calcutta Armenians
enabled them to perform well in the legal
profession as well. One of Emperor Akbar's
queens has been mentioned to be an Armenian,
called Mariam Zamani Begum. Indian classical
singer Gohar Jaan, the first to be recorded
on gramophone in 1902 was of Armenian
origin. The Armenian language journal
"Azdarar" published in Madras
(Chennai) in 1794 was the first ever Armenian
journal published anywhere in the world.
A special Armenian postage stamp was issued
in 1994 to mark the 200th Anniversary
of "Azdarar". In 1773, Shahamir
Shahamirian, a leading Armenian nationalist
in Madras published his vision of a future
Armenian nation, which is acknowledged
by Armenians as an attempt to draft first
ever Constitution of an independent Armenia.
After India's independence, many Armenians
migrated to Australia, USA and other places.
The vestigial Armenian community in India
is now mainly settled in Calcutta with
sprinkling in Mumbai, Delhi, Agra and
Chennai. There are Armenian churches and
cemeteries in these places. The Holy Church
of Nazareth, erected in 1707, repaired
and embellished in 1734 is the biggest
and the oldest Armenian Church in Calcutta;
the 250th anniversary of this Church was
celebrated On November 25, 1957. The Armenian
College and Philanthropic Academy in Calcutta
is a prestigious national institution
of Armenians. Thanks to renewed people-to-people
interaction in recent years, the marriages
between Indians and Armenians are resulting
in the emergence of a new Indo-Armenian
community, albeit miniscule at the moment.
Soviet Era
During the Soviet era,
President Dr. S Radhakrishnan (September
1964) and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
(June 1976) visited the Armenian Soviet
Socialist Republic.
After the breakup of
the USSR, India recognized Armenia on
December 26, 1991, three months after
its declaration of independence. The Protocol
on establishment of Diplomatic relations
between India and Armenia was signed on
31 August 1992. India opened its Embassy
in Yerevan on 01 March 1999. Armenia,
which had opened its Honorary Consulate
in April 1994, established its Embassy
in New Delhi in October 1999.
In contemporary times,
India-Armenia political relations are
marked by warmth and cordiality and also
understanding and convergence of views
on several issues of mutual interest including
those with international dimensions.
Mechanisms / High Level Exchanges
Bilateral dialogue between
India and Armenia is conducted through
the mechanisms of Foreign Office Consultations
and Inter-Governmental Commission on Trade,
Economic, Scientific and Technological,
Cultural and Educational Cooperation,
and periodic high-level interactions.
There have been two Presidential level
visits from Armenia (in 1995 and 2003)
and two visits at the level of Foreign
Minister (2000 and 2010). Also the Secretary,
National Security Council of Armenia visited
India in March 2011. The Vice President
and Chairman of Rajya Sabha led a Parliamentary
delegation to Armenia in October 2005.
Bilateral Agreements
India and Armenia signed
a Treaty on Friendship and Cooperation
on 14 December 1995 in New Delhi. In addition,
there are nearly 25 Agreements/MoUs covering
diverse areas of possible cooperation
such as trade & commerce, culture,
tourism, education, defence, science &
technology, information technology, double
tax avoidance, academic cooperation between
institutes and Think Tanks.
Developmental Assistance
India has extended assistance
to Armenia in the past from time to time.
Following the catastrophic earthquake
in Soviet Armenia in 1988, USD 2.2 million
cash and USD 1.1 million relief supplies
were donated by India. An Indian medical
team also visited Armenia for relief work.
In 1994-95, India donated two consignments
of medicines as humanitarian assistance
to Armenia for the persons affected by
the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nogorno-Karabakh.
Following the summer 2000 drought in Armenia,
India gifted 750 MT of wheat and 250 MT
of rice to Armenia in February 2002. In
October 2003, India announced a grant
of USD 5 million against which 300 tractors
from India were supplied to Armenia in
December 2006.
India's current developmental
assistance to Armenia includes human resource
development and capacity building; this
is implemented through Indian Technical
and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme.
ITEC programme is an ongoing programme
under which every year on average 30 slots
are earmarked for Armenia for short and
medium term courses which are extremely
popular amongst Government and Public
Sector officials. During 2009-2010, India
contributed US $ 215,000/- for the restoration
of a dilapidated school building in a
relatively remote rural area. In addition,
India in collaboration with Armenian authorities
is in the process of establishing a Centre
for Excellence in Information and Communication
Technology in Yerevan; the project cost
is US $ 1.67 million. India has also agreed
to extend Technical as well as In-Kind
assistance to Armenia for the conduct
of Census 2011 in Armenia. India has also
agreed to extend Technical and In-Kind
support for Armenia’s Census 2011.
A team of experts from Armenia’s
National Statistical Service underwent
a training programme in India in February
2011 to share the experience of the Office
of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner
of India engaged with Census India 2011.
Cultural Cooperation
India-Armenia Agreement
on Cooperation in Culture, Arts, Education,
Tourism, Sports and Mass Media signed
in December 1995 provides the framework
for cultural exchanges In accordance with
the MoU signed between ICCR and Yerevan
State Linguistic University “Brusov”
(YSLU) on 11 November 2009 in Yerevan,
a Centre for Hindi Language and Literature
has been established at YSLU. In view
of popular interest in Hindi, the Embassy
of India has made arrangements for Hindi
classes in Ijevan, located at a distance
of 130km from the capital in the Tavush
Province, and known as another hub for
educational institutes. The Indian Embassy
also supports the teaching of Hindi at
the Yerevan Institute of Humanities. Kendriya
Hindi Sansthan, Agra, provides scholarships
for Armenians to learn Hindi in India.
The ICCR has earmarked Two scholarships
for Armenia under General Cultural Scholarship
Scheme for pursuing university education
in India. These scholarships are much
appreciated by Armenians many of whom
have availed of them. Indian films are
very popular in Armenia; so is the Indian
food. There is one exclusively Indian
restaurant in Yerevan, and one which has
included Indian dishes in its menu.
Indian Community
The Indian community
in Armenia consists largely of about 200
students pursuing medical education at
Yerevan State Medical University, which
currently is the only University permitted
by the Ministry of Education of Armenia
to teach medicine through English medium.
The Indian community otherwise is miniscule
comprised of about a dozen Indian/PIO
professionals working for multi-national
companies / UN organizations. No incident
of racial, communal or ethnic violence
against Indian community has come to notice.
Trade and Economic
The level of bilateral
trade and investments remains below potential
though some growth has been registered
in recent years. Indian exports consist
of foodstuffs (meat), electrical equipment,
cut and polished diamonds, optical equipment,
plastics, pharmaceuticals and other chemical
goods and cars, while Armenia’s
exports include non-ferrous metals, raw-rubber,
books and textiles. There has been tremendous
response to “Best of India”
– the periodic Exhibition-cum- Sale
of Indian consumer goods being organized
in Yerevan by private sector with support
from the Government of India; this has
been contributing to bilateral trade volumes
and has also helped in popularizing Indian
consumer goods. Bilateral trade grew from
US $ 16.5 mn in 2005 to US $ 46.7 mn in
2010 (India’s exports: USD 46.7
mn and India’s imports: USD 5.5
mn) [Source:].
An Article in the
newspaper "The Hindu" dated
2nd January 2012